Kingdom Oil & Gas Consortium LLC.
We Offer a Range of
Services to Meet Your Needs
Kingdom Oil & Gas offers CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) procedures to allow our clients to ship fuel to any port in the world without conflict or sanctions. These procedures range from issuing an SBLC. DLC, BG or LC to shared logistics, or export fee payments to support swift delivery of fuel to the requested destination.
Kingdom Oil & Gas offers FOB procedures ranging from DTA, Shared Logistics Expense, Assigned TSR Name Change, Fresh SGS Verification, and Logistics Collaboration. Our sales team has the capability of designing a program that works for you.
Want to use your own vessels? Kingdom Oil & Gas offers a special set of procedures that allows our clients to utilize their own vessels to directly load their fuel without additional payments of tank extensions and DTA fees. This unique style gives the client control of the logistic aspect of the transaction to give peace of mind when meeting strict deadlines.
Show the Money and Go. Kingdom Heirs POF procedures allow a client to use funds earmarked for the transaction to demonstrate capabilities and receive fuel. Kingdom Oil & Gas eliminates the need for upfront fees and logistics demonstration payments to allow qualified buyers to receive the fuel when they need it.